19939 Fisher Avenue, Poolsville, MD 20837


Franklin C. Jamison
Frank Jr. Jamison



Mobile:  (240)793-4309

Office:  (240)793-4309



Frank Jr. Jamison

“Frank Jr. has been a full-time agent with our company since 2005. Having spent countless hours “growing-up” around the industry, it was a natural fit when he decided to obtain his MD Real Estate License and join the family business. During his career, he has participated in hundreds of transactions on properties ranging from Western MD to the Eastern Shore. In addition to his foothold in the residential markets of Western Montgomery County and Frederick County, Frank Jr. is a lifelong resident expert in the field of rural real estate in Montgomery County’s Agricultural Reserve with a list of contacts that is immeasurable. In addition to selling real estate, he is also an active buyer, frequently purchasing properties to expand his own portfolio.” Frank Jr. lives with his wife and children in Western Montgomery County’s Ag Reserve where he enjoys everything about the great outdoors.”